Why You Should Consider Signing Up for a Plumbing Service Plan


As a homeowner, you probably know that it’s nice to stay on top of certain things around the house, like dusting and vacuuming. However, if you let that slide for a couple of weeks, it’s not the worst thing in the world.

You absolutely must stay on top of other aspects of home maintenance, though, and you can put plumbing in that category. If there is something wrong with your plumbing, that can halt the whole household’s operation. For instance, a broken pipe that you allow to keep leaking can cause thousands of dollars in damage, while a nonfunctioning toilet renders one of your bathrooms unusable.

If you are having an issue of this nature, then you need to contact a plumber, Denver, CO homeowners. You should also consider whether or not signing up for a yearly plumbing service plan makes sense.

We will talk about such plans right now. They’re a smart idea for individuals in certain situations, but not others.

What Does the Term “Plumbing Service Plan” Mean?

If you call a plumber to come to your house, then if you don’t have a service plan, you’re essentially paying them a la carte. In other words, you must pay them the amount they stipulate for the particular plumbing service that you need.

If you have a plumbing service plan, though, you are in a better situation. If you pay for such a plan with a particular plumbing company in your area, then you will have preferential treatment from that company. If you ever have a plumbing issue, then they will prioritize coming to you before they service any other homes in your area.

In addition, you will usually get a discount on any plumbing-related work you need. Signing up for one of these plans might get you 10%-15% off any plumbing job you require for as long as you’re on that plan.

You will also probably get a yearly plumbing check in. The company will send one of their employees to your home to look at all the various plumbing fixtures and accessories to make sure that everything’s running correctly. They do this to spot any minor issues before they become potentially disastrous.


Buying a plumbing service plan means you have someone who can come fix your home’s plumbing at a moment’s notice. It’s worth considering, though not every homeowner will want to do it.

How Much Does Such a Plan Usually Cost?

No two plumbing companies will charge the same amount for one of these service plans. Usually, though, you can expect to pay a few hundred dollars per year for one.

You might pay for a year on the service plan as a lump sum. Many companies will also let you pay a monthly sum, or you might pay by the quarter.

Who Should Get One of These Plans?

As for who should get one of these plans, often, homeowners who want to purchase one the most live in older homes that have a history of plumbing issues. If you’ve lived in a house for a couple of years, and you’ve already had this plumbing company over for repairs or replacements half a dozen times, that indicates you have ongoing plumbing problems.

It makes sense to sign up for one of these plans. It will probably save you money in the long run if you keep taking advantage of the discount that the plumbing company gives to plan holders.


Also, the yearly or semi-yearly maintenance will likely come in handy as well. If you regularly have plumbing issues, then having a plumber come by occasionally to check for any developing problems probably appeals.

Who Should Not Get One?

If you move into a brand-new house with all new plumbing fixtures and pipes, then you might feel more confident that you won’t have any problems. You can always encounter a plumbing issue, but traditionally, newer fixtures and pipes make that less likely.

You might also decide not to buy a plumbing service plan if you know you might have plumbing problems, but you don’t have any extra money to spend. If you’re living check to check and have virtually no cash in savings, then you can’t realistically afford this expenditure, even if you’d like to have it.

Plumbing service plans act like insurance. If any issue comes up, you’ll feel glad it’s there. However, there’s no entity insisting that you buy it. Remember that it’s optional.

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