5 Crucial Milestones Kids Reach and What to Do When They Get There


If you decide to become a parent, you may find that you love it. It seems as though some people have a knack for knowing just what to say to their kids and how to handle any situation involving them. Others may struggle a bit.

In either case, you need to do all you can to give your kids a good life. That means more than just making sure they have clothes on their back or a roof over their head. You also need to show them affection and let them know you’re proud when they reach milestones.

In this article, we’ll talk about crucial milestones that most kids will reach at some point. We will also discuss what you should do when they get to each one.

No Longer Sitting in a Car Seat

You should know about all regulations on when kids can legally sit in the front seat of a car. Usually, up till they reach either a certain age or weight, you need to put them in a car seat that specialists designed to fit their smaller body type.

As an infant or toddler, they will have their special seat in the car, and they should have no issues using it. However, when they get to be a little older, you may find that they start to ask if they can get out of their car seat so they can use the seatbelt like an older person.

You will have to tell them if they start asking these questions that they need to wait till they get to the right age, height, or weight. If you’re not sure about any of this, you can ask the child’s doctor. They should have plenty of information on the subject, and they can probably recommend a car seat brand as well.


When your little one reaches a time where they can sit in the front seat beside you, you will want to make a point of telling them you’re proud and that they’re becoming a big boy or girl. You might even give them a special toy or take them out to lunch at their favorite fast-food restaurant.  

Learning to Use the Potty on Their Own

You must also teach your child to use the potty on their own. When they’re still relatively young, you will want to start getting them away from diapers and on to using the bathroom like an adult.

You can usually start them on a smaller version of the toilet that experts designed to work as a transition from diapers to the standard toilet in your bathroom. Again, you can talk to your child’s doctor if you need some advice on brands and products.

You might also read some books to your toddler about this transition. All of this needs to take place so that your child reaches this vital developmental stage.

Some learn a little faster than others, but they all need to get there. You can celebrate with them when they start to use the potty on their own. They may still have an accident or two, but never make them feel guilty about that.

Getting Their Driver’s License

When they’re older, they will probably reach another important developmental stage. They can learn how to drive and get their driver’s license.

In many states, they can get a learner’s permit at the age of 15. When they turn 16, they can borrow your car and take the driving test and written test.

You should make sure they feel confident before doing that. You can help teach them to drive in an empty parking lot. Eventually, they should feel okay about getting out on some local roads. You will also want to try some highway driving with them so that they feel sure of themselves.

If they pass the test and become a licensed driver, you should feel pride, and you can tell them that. You might also consider giving them your old vehicle and buying a new one for yourself if you’re in the financial position to do so. If that’s not possible, then you can at least let them borrow the car sometimes so they can go hang out with their friends.

Going to Prom or Their First School Dance

You might also see that your teen has an interest in a classmate at their school. Maybe this individual becomes their boyfriend or girlfriend.

You should have a talk about sex and what you expect from them. A frank discussion might embarrass them, but it’s still necessary that you cover this topic as a responsible parent.


Your child might reach a point where they want to attend a school dance with their boyfriend or girlfriend. Maybe that’s senior prom, or perhaps they want to attend a dance at school when they’re younger than that.

You should encourage this behavior, as long as you meet the boyfriend or girlfriend first. If you approve of them, then that’s a plus.

You should celebrate that your child’s dating, as that’s an important milestone as well. Just make sure that you spend time with their crush so you can form an impression about them.  

Graduating from High School

When your child graduates from high school, that’s another huge milestone. It probably means they will move out and head to college soon. Not every young person takes that path, but many of them do.

You might think of something nice to do for your teenager. For instance, you may let them have a party at your house with pizza and soft drinks, as long as you’re there to make sure things don’t get too rowdy.

You might let the kids have fun downstairs while you’re upstairs. That way, you’re giving them their space, but you’re still supervising.

If you celebrate all of these milestones with your child and let them know you’re proud, you should retain a good relationship with them in adulthood.

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